The word “worship” is defined as “reverence or an act of reverence offered a divine being or supernatural power.” By this definition, we all know that worship is not contained merely in a song, a prayer, or an act. It isn’t just a lifestyle. It is life! Our life is purposed to be “reverence offered to a divine being or supernatural power.” 

We are all worshipers.

In John chapter 4, when Jesus has a conversation with a Samaritan woman, He reveals to her and to us that all people are worshipers of something, but “the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.” Worship of the God of the Bible is the thing that we were created for, and it is the thing that Jesus restores us to in His life, death, and resurrection, which we refer to as “the gospel,” or “good news.”

When we talk about worship as it pertains to how we think about what we do when we gather together on a given occasion, we are really talking about the corporate declaration of the content of the gospel.

As a result, the following are some of our key considerations.


Participation in worship is emphasized more than performance. Music artists make a living on great performances. We don’t need to participate or “sing-along” to enjoy a good show. The show will go on without any participation from the audience. This is not the case in corporate worship.

One of the primary objectives of the band that will lead corporate worship is to emphasize its corporate-ness. To put it more simply, it’s the leadership team’s goal to get everyone to participate in corporate worship. It is their desire to gather all of the attention in the room and direct all of the attention to God.


Corporately declaring the content of the gospel includes a declaration of who God is, who we are, Christ’s redeeming work, and what that means for us as a result. At a given worship gathering, we will include each of these parts of the gospel.

In making a corporate declaration of who God is, we ascribe to Him as broad a range of His attributes as we can, such as holiness (Rev. 4:8-11), greatness and power (Psa. 147:5; Psa. 95:2-3), faithfulness (2 Tim. 2:13), might and ability (Eph. 3:20), love (Zep. 3:17), and more.

To have a right understanding of who we are apart from Christ, we corporately confess our sinful nature (Rom. 5:12-13), our desperate need of a savior (Eph. 2:1-3), and the like.

Declaring Christ’s redeeming work, we sing about the salvation He brings (Acts 4:11-12), his selfless atonement (2 Cor. 5:21), his death and resurrection (1 Pet. 2:24), the victory He won (1 Cor. 15:55-56), and more like these.

To rejoice in the victory we have in Christ and declare who we are as a result of his work, we celebrate our right standing before God (2 Cor. 5:21), our redemption (Isa. 44:22), our hope in Christ (Isa. 40:31), our joy (Psa. 47:1), our restoration (Phil. 1:6), peace in Christ (Phil. 3:8), our healing (1 Pet. 2:24), and others like these.



It Was Finished Upon That Cross

All Creatures Of Our God And King

How Deep The Father's Love For Us

O Praise The Name


Jesus Is Alive

Psalm 42 (Loudest Praise)

Great Are You Lord

Jesus Is Better

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