Gospel communities

Gospel Communities are the lifeblood of Connection Church. Every week, during the fall and spring semesters, our Gospel Communities meet in small groups in houses across the city for the purpose of experiencing the gospel in community. We believe that when the gospel is at the center, compelling community happens.

Gospel Communities are on pause for the summer, but if you would like to join an intro Gospel Community this fall, the best way to get started is to attend Inside Connection, which meets the 2nd Sunday of every month in the lobby following the worship service. 

For more info about Gospel Communities, contact our Director of Ministries, Jaz Terzic.


Our Gospel Communities are not simply small groups or in-home Bible studies. We set out to live life together, extend and model grace to one another, and practice the “one anothers” of Scripture. This is regular and irregular, scheduled and unscheduled. It may include gathering at a restaurant, watching a football game together, meeting over coffee or tea, gathering weekly for a shared meal, a play date with kids, going to a concert together, painting a GC member’s house, helping someone move, comforting each other in a difficult time, or rejoicing together in a time of celebration.


Each week our Gospel Communities meet together on an evening during the week, typically other than Sunday. These are regular, scheduled, weekly gatherings in which we come together to study God’s Word as a community and apply the truths of the gospel to everyday life. All GCs typically work through the same thing: either the passage that was preached the prior weekend gathering or an intentional group study. Our purpose is to be a people shaped by the good news of Jesus Christ, not simply sharing good advice. In this, we learn to grow in our knowledge of the gospel, our understanding of the gospel, and our application of the gospel to our lives.


In addition to living in community, we also purpose to live out our missionary identities as God's sent people together. Each Gospel Community comes together on a regular basis with the end goal of building relationships with a specific people in a specific place in order to show and tell the good news of the gospel of Jesus.