who we are

We desire to glorify God by multiplying disciples of Jesus Christ. We do this by emphasizing the gospel, community, and mission. Jesus Christ has accomplished something on our behalf through his life, death, and resurrection, which is the good news of the gospel. We are transformed by believing this, and as a response to the gospel, we experience gratitude, worship, and growth as a compelling community. We do so in such a way as to draw others into glorifying God along with us and see multiplication of the gospel and multiplication of followers of Jesus, which is the mission.


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Instead of waving a denominational flag, the first flag we wave is the gospel. Because multiplication of the gospel naturally results in the multiplication of churches, we intentionally partner with multiple churches and networks locally and globally to make this a reality. To learn more about each of our strategic partnerships, and to have access to some great resources for gospel-centered multiplication, you can find out more here:

  • ACTS 29

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  • The gospel coalition

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  • north american

    mission board

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  • 9Marks

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faith & doctrinal statements

Connection Church stands in the tradition of historical evangelical confessionalism

Connection Church holds to historic Christian orthodoxy as enshrined in the Apostles’ & Nicene Creeds.

As a member church of The Gospel Coalition, we embrace its doctrinal statement and have found it to be a faithful modern articulation of our Protestant and Reformed heritage. 

As an Acts 29 member church, we also affirm the Doctrinal Distinctives of the Acts 29 Church Planting Network.

For more information about our church's beliefs and values, you can also review our Membership Toolkit




  • JOnathan Land


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  • Lynne Burgers

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  • Haley Gillespie

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  • Logan hattervig

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  • josh hayes

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  • traye Lamere

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  • Erik Lohmann

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  • Katie Lohmann

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  • aaron straight

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  • toni swanson

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  • breanna terziĆ

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